New Schedule = Adjustments

Since McKenzie started school there have definitely been some adjustments going on in our house. First of all, she doesn’t quite grasp the concept of weekends, and it’s particularly confusing since her 4K schedule is Tuesday-Friday (12:07-3:17…how random is that?!). She gets really disappointed on the days she doesn’t have class. Also, until now she’s been a regular napper…minimum 2 hours/day. So we still have her nap on the weekends, but not on school days. It’s less than ideal, especially since school starts at her nap time…I really wish she were the morning class! How do I resolve this issue without waking her up ridiculously early? I’m not sure there’s a good solution. Although, on her “school days” she goes to bed gloriously early.

Anyhow, we walk to school since it’s so close (literally less than a ½ mile away). Which means I walk about 2 miles a day to drop her off/pick her up. Unintentional workout. Score! Haha. I usually bring one of the dogs so they get some exercise too. McKenzie loves to walk them, and it’s adorable.

Yesterday, I watched our friends’ 5-month-old identical twin boys for 6 hours while they were in work/class. It was so fun! Exhausting, but fun. How are miniature people so tiring? I guess I forgot. But it was SO cute to see McKenzie interact with them…she’ll be a very good big sister someday! It was adorable to see. She went and got her books and started reading to them…well maybe not reading, but making up stories to go with all the pictures, which is pretty darn cute anyway. =)